Anjuman E Sakina

In addition to this website, Anjumane Sakina are pleased to announce the launch of the Anjuman e Sakina Msa mobile App that was created with a view to assist those who wish to to recite the Marthiya and Nauhas, as well as Qasidas and Munajat.

The App caters especially for those who cannot read the Urdu script, with ove 500 writeups available offline, as well as all the Daastane Gham books. For those who want to listen to the recitations, the App enables users to stream over 700 Marsia/Nauha/Qasida and Munajat, with more being added every month.

We dedicate the Anjuman e Sakina App to Imam Al Husayn (as) and Sahibul Asr (atfs), and we pray that Allah accepts our humble efforts.

The app is available to download on both iOS and Android, you can download them using the links above.

Please recite Surah Fatiha for all Marhumeen